Additional databases

Borland InterBase / Firebird (MSDASQL)
If we use an InterBase or Firebird database, we can specify a data source, although this is not required. We need to specify the server name or IP address and the port required for the database connection, then select the database and the driver. We can also add a user name/password combination or choose Windows authentication.
If we want to save the reports to a Borland InterBase database, it is necessary to install the InterBase Client and an InterBase ODBC driver on all networked computers. If we want to save the reports to a Firebird database, it is necessary to install the Firebird Client and a Firebird ODBC driver on all networked computers. For example, Easysoft ODBC drivers for InterBase and Firebird can be purchased at
Oracle (MSDAORA)
If we use an Oracle database, we need to specify the server name or IP address and the port required for the database connection, then select the database. We can also add a user name/password combination or choose Windows authentication.
If we want to insert reports to an Oracle database, it is necessary to install the Oracle Client on all networked computers. It can be found on the Oracle installation CD.
If we use a PostgreSQL database, we can specify a data source, although this is not required. We need to specify the server name or IP address and the port required for the database connection, then select the database and the driver. We can also add a user name/password combination or choose Windows authentication.
When PostgreSQL is selected, it is necessary to install PsqlODBC on all networked computers. PsqlODBC can be downloaded from
Sybase (SybaseASEOLEDBProvider)
A Sybase adatbázis használatához beállíthatunk adatforrást, de ez nem szükséges. Adjuk meg a kiszolgálónk nevét vagy IP-címét, majd válasszuk ki az adatbázisunkat! Megadhatjuk egy felhasználó nevét és jelszavát, valamint használhatunk Windows-jelszóhitelesítést.
Amennyiben a riportokat Sybase adatbázisba szeretnénk elkészíteni, akkor telepítsük a Sybase ASE ODBC-illesztőprogramot az összes hálózatba kötött számítógépre a telepítő CD-ről!
If we use a different database listed in the provider list and have an ODBC driver available for it, it is possible to use that database, too.