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Linux Extension for AIDA64 is available18/12/2013

ABSEIRA Ltd., the global distributor of the product family, has published a Linux client for the business editions of AIDA64. The program, called Linux Extension for AIDA, is a tool that enables companies to collect audit reports from their Linux-based clients. It can create a hardware and software inventory of networked Linux PCs in a format that AIDA64 Business and AIDA64 Network Audit can import into their database.

“Traditionally, the business versions of AIDA64 are used for making automated inventories of Windows PCs. Thanks to the extension we have developed, now it becomes possible to add Linux clients to the automatically created corporate PC database, and also to track changes in both their hardware and software”, said Oliver Mesztics, Linux platform expert at ABSEIRA.

Linux Extension for AIDA64 relies on LSHW, instead of AIDA64's own hardware detection engine,  to compile a summary of the hardware configuration of PCs. The application is also capable of listing installed programs as well as running processes and services.

Similarly to AIDA64, it is not necessary to install Linux Extension for AIDA64 on each client separately, as the application can be run from a central shared folder. It can be run from the terminal  with commands, and thanks to its support for command-line switches, report creation can be fully automated with scripts. The collected reports can be automatically imported to the Audit manager of AIDA64 Network Audit and AIDA64 Business. Audit manager then makes it possible to review, group and filter the hardware and software components of the PC fleet, and visualize the data in diagrams.

Linux Extension for AIDA64 as well as the related support documentation can be freely downloaded from the official AIDA64 website .

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Pricing and Availability

AIDA64 editions are available as free 30-day trials, which can be downloaded from here. Pricing information is available in the Webshop.

About FinalWire

AIDA64 is developed by FinalWire Ltd., headquartered in Budapest, Hungary. The company's founding members are veteran software developers who have worked together on programing system utilities for more than two decades. Currently, they have ten products in their portfolio, all based on the award-winning AIDA technology: AIDA64 Extreme, AIDA64 Engineer, AIDA64 Network Audit, AIDA64 Business and AIDA64 for Android, Windows Phone, iOS, Ubuntu Touch, Tizen and Sailfish OS.